Robert Henke (monolake) - Cafe Oto

It would be an understatement to say we got excited when an email with the subject “Robert Henke (monolake)” hit our inbox.  Sent from our good friends at Astral Industries the message was clear - we were going to provide a 360º Funktion One sound system for Robert's live performance at Cafe Oto on November 24th 2018. To spice things up even further, Sonmi451 completed the lineup.

Following a brief with the Studio Robert Henke's technical team, it came as no surprise - a stereo system would not be enough for one of the main brains behind Ableton Live. Without a doubt, this was going to be one of the highlights in Sova Audio's calendar for the passing year.

Technical information

  • Playback: Robert Henke Live performance
  • Sound system: 6-point Funktion One  - 2 x Resolution 2 and 4 x BR118 as main Left/Right, 4 x F81 loudspeakers - peripherals
  • Spatial control: Ableton Live; TiMax Soundhub
  • Amplifiers: Linea Research/ Dante
  • Routing - Midas M32R/Dante

Photos & Video by Rupert Earl.